Search Results: "madcoder"

14 October 2007

Mike Hommey: Adding some VCS information in bash prompt

I don’t spend a lot of time customizing my “working” environment nowadays, like enhancing vim configuration, or tweaking the shell. But when I read MadCoder’s zsh git-enabled prompt, I though it was too convenient to not have something like that. Except I don’t work with git only (sadly, but that’s changing), and I don’t like colours in prompt (and a 2 lines prompt is too much). Anyways, since I have a bunch of directories in my $HOME that contain either svk, svn, mercurial, or git working trees, I thought it would be nice to have some information about all this on my prompt. After a few iterations, here are the sample results:
The script follows, with a bit of explanation intertwined.
_bold=$(tput bold)
_normal=$(tput sgr0)
tput is a tool I only dicovered recently, and avoids the need to know the escape codes. There are also options for cursor placement, colours, etc. It lies in the ncurses-bin package, if you want to play with it.
  local vcs base_dir sub_dir ref
    local sub_dir
    sub_dir=$(readlink -f "$ PWD ")
    sub_dir=$ sub_dir#$1
    echo $ sub_dir#/
We declare as much as possible as local (even functions), so that we avoid cluttering the whole environment. sub_dir is going to be used in several places below, which is why we declare it as a function. It outputs the current directory, relative to the directory given as argument.
    base_dir=$(git-rev-parse --show-cdup 2>/dev/null) return 1
    base_dir=$(readlink -f "$base_dir/..")
    sub_dir=$(git-rev-parse --show-prefix)
    sub_dir=$ sub_dir%/
    ref=$(git-symbolic-ref -q HEAD git-name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null)
    ref=$ ref#refs/heads/
This is the first function to detect a working tree, for git this time. Each of these functions set the 4 variables we declared earlier: vcs, base_dir, sub_dir and ref. They are, respectively, the VCS type, the top-level directory of the working tree, the current directory, relative to base_dir, and the branch, revision or a reference in the repository, depending on the VCS in use. These functions return 1 if the current directory is not in a working tree of the currently considered VCS.
The base directory of a git working tree can be deduced from the result of git-rev-parse --show-cdup, which gives the way up to the top-level directory, relative to the current directory. readlink -f then gives the canonical top-level directory. The current directory, relative to the top-level, is simply given by git-rev-parse --show-prefix.
git-name-rev --name-only HEAD gives a nice reference for the current HEAD, especially if you’re on a detached head. But this can turn out to do a lot of work, introducing a slight lag when you cd for the first time in the git working tree, while most of the time, the HEAD is just a symbolic ref. This is why we first try git-symbolic-ref --name-only HEAD.
    [ -d ".svn" ] return 1
    while [ -d "$base_dir/../.svn" ]; do base_dir="$base_dir/.."; done
    base_dir=$(readlink -f "$base_dir")
    sub_dir=$(sub_dir "$ base_dir ")
    ref=$(svn info "$base_dir" awk '/^URL/ sub(".*/","",$0); r=$0 /^Revision/ sub("[^0-9]*","",$0); print r":"$0 ')
Detecting an svn working tree is easier : it contains a .svn directory, be it top-level or sub directory. We look up the top-level directory by checking the last directory containing a .svn sub directory on the way up. This obviously doesn’t work if you checkout under another svn working tree, but I don’t do such things.
For the ref, I wanted something like the name of the directory that has been checked out at the top-level directory (usually “trunk” or a branch name), followed by the revision number.
    [ -f ~/.svk/config ] return 1
    base_dir=$(awk '/: *$/ sub(/^ */,"",$0); sub(/: *$/,"",$0); if (match("'$ PWD '", $0"(/ $)")) print $0; d=1; /depotpath/ && d == 1 sub(".*/","",$0); r=$0 /revision/ && d == 1 print r ":" $2; exit 1 ' ~/.svk/config) && return 1
    ref=$ base_dir##*

    base_dir=$ base_dir%%
    sub_dir=$(sub_dir "$ base_dir ")
svk doesn’t have repository files in the working tree, so we would have to ask svk itself if the current directory is a working tree. Unfortunately, svk is quite slow at that (not that it takes several seconds, but that induces a noticeable delay to display the prompt), so we have to parse its config file by ourselves. We avoid running awk twice by outputing both the informations we are looking for, separated by a carriage return, and then do some tricks with bash variable expansion.
    while [ ! -d "$base_dir/.hg" ]; do base_dir="$base_dir/.."; [ $(readlink -f "$ base_dir ") = "/" ] && return 1; done
    base_dir=$(readlink -f "$base_dir")
    sub_dir=$(sub_dir "$ base_dir ")
    ref=$(< "$ base_dir /.hg/branch")
I don’t use mercurial much, but I happen to have exactly one working tree (a clone of, so I got some basic information. There is no way we can ask mercurial itself for information, it is too slow for that (main culprit being the python interpreter startup), so we take the informations we can (and since I don’t know much about mercurial, that’s really basic). Note that if you’re deep in the VFS tree, but not in a mercurial working tree, the while loop may be slow. I didn’t bother much looking for a better solution.
Here we just run all these functions one by one, stopping at the first that matches. Adding some more for other VCS would be easy.
  echo "$ vcs:+($vcs) $ _bold $ base_dir/$HOME/~ $ _normal $ vcs:+[$ref]$ _bold $ sub_dir $ _normal "

PS1='$ debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot) \u@\h:$(___vcs_dir)\$ '
Finally, we set up the prompt, so that it looks nice with all the gathered information. Update: made the last lines of the script a little better and factorized.

17 September 2007

David Nusinow: &lt; MadCoder&gt; wow gravity is spamming us

Brice already mentioned it, but I've uploaded Xorg 7.3 to unstable this afternoon. This includes Xserver version 1.4, which has improvements all over the place, perhaps most notably by including input hotplugging (via HAL) and many improvements in EXA, the next generation 2D driver acceleration architecture.

Now that this is uploaded, I'll be ripping out large parts of the xorg.conf generation script. All the various improvements over the past few releases have made it possible to do this, and for lenny, if all goes according to plan, we won't have to generate a xorg.conf for installs at all. You can still use one (and many people will want one to customize their settings in some way) but for the most part people shouldn't have to bother with them. I'll be spending a lot of my time over the next few months tightening this stuff up so that a lot of the little things really work the way they should, and now that we have the updated server available I'll be able to actively work on these things in Debian so you'll be able to see the results quickly.

On a side note, I went to Software Freedom Day yesterday. I heard ari give a talk on the Gimp. At the last minute I almost gave a lightning talk on where is headed, but they ran out of time. It would have been kind of weird though, since the talks were on things like software patents, free culture, and miro (formerly democracy-player) rather than the nuts and bolts sorts of things that I'm more comfortable with.

4 September 2007

Pierre Habouzit: Of the usefulness of testsuites (Or how the grep mess should have been avoided in the first place)

I was determined to track the multiple grep issues down, and I was really really really suprised to see there is a testsuite in grep (as the current issues should have been catched easily), but indeed there is one !!!
   $ make check
   Please, do not be alarmed if some of the tests failed.
   Report them to <>,
   with the line number, the name of the file,
   and grep version number 'grep --version'.
   Thank You.
   Testing:  ../src/grep Word -o -i
     input:  "WordA/wordB/WORDC/"
     output: ""
     expect: "Word/word/WORD/"
   Testing:  ../src/grep WORD -o -i
     input:  "WordA/wordB/WORDC/"
     output: ""
     expect: "Word/word/WORD/"
   Testing:  ../src/grep Word --color=always -i
     input:  "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
     output: "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
     expect: "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
   Testing:  ../src/grep WORD --color=always -i
     input:  "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
     output: "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
     expect: "WordA/wordb/WORDC/"
   Testing:  ../src/grep i --color=always -i -F
     LC_ALL: "cs_CZ.UTF-8"
     input:  "a b/"
     output: "a b/"
     expect: "a b/"
   Test #4 F failed: 01 02 08 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
   Test #4 G failed:  e E As E E E E E E e e
   Test #4 E failed:  e E As E E E E E E e e
    Test #11:    ../src/grep -F -n -b -m 5 -C 1 yes; echo "?$?"; sed 's!^!X!';  
    Test #27:    ../src/grep -F -n -b -m 2 -v -C 1 yes; echo "?$?"; sed 's!^!X!';  
    Test #28:    ../src/grep -F -n -b -m 2 -v -C 1 -o yes; echo "?$?"; sed 's!^!X!';  
   3 of 14 tests failed
   Please report to
   make2: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
   make2: Leaving directory  /home/madcoder/debian/tmp/grep-2.5.3~dfsg/build-tree/grep-2.5.3/tests'
   make1: *** [check-am] Error 2
   make1: Leaving directory  /home/madcoder/debian/tmp/grep-2.5.3~dfsg/build-tree/grep-2.5.3/tests'
   make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
But of course, it says Please, do not be alarmed if some of the tests failed. Nothing to worry about then ! Note that this does not looks like a Debian problem at all (as removing debian local patches does not fixes the testsuite), so upstream really deserves its own dose of cluebat.

17 August 2007

Alexis Sukrieh: The road to libdevel-repl-perl, part 1

I decided to play with Devel::REPL which looks to be exactly what I need to enhance my Perl Console. That module is not packaged in Debian, then I started packaging it with the help of the Debian Perl Group (big thanks go to Damyan Ivanov for his help). The day was pretty productive and we’re almost done now, as you can see in this tomboy note: PS MadCoder: I’m sorry dude, I’m still speaking about Perl :P

5 August 2007

Christian Perrier: Set brightness from a script: result

The winner is Pierre "Madcoder" Habouzit who first mentioned (Enrico Zini came a little bit later) xbacklight which works perfectly with the i915 card in my Dell X1 and can even fade the screen brightness to values I couldn't reach with the Dell's buttons. Once, again, Keith Packard save my life (my Watts in that case). He already did so with xrandr, allowing to easily play with screen output on the very same Dell and have nice ways to do my talks. That and XSF team really rock!

19 July 2007

Gon ri Le Bouder: SvnBuildStat (again)

My company, Atos Origin, will provide at least on build server (2 Xeon - 4 core server) for SvnBuildStat. I expect to be able to build KDE-base packages in a decent timing :). SvnBuildStat source are now on Collab-qa SVN repository. It was a Debian Games project before. Not in the topic and thanks to Madcoder I use the awesome Vimperator now. The Firefox Iceweasel extension provide a nice Vim like key binding for the browser. It’s so …errr… wOOt :).

Pierre Habouzit: jpg/gif/pdf Spam, what can you do ?

In answer to zobel's post, here is how to fight efficiently against those nasty spams. Well, there is a wonderful tool, called clamav that you know already for sure. What is less known is that there are people that have had the idea to use clamav to fight spams as well. They provide constantly renewed spam signatures that fight against the jpgs/gifs/... that are too many those days. I use this script twice a day to update my signatures, and it works well. I use this setup on a medium sized mail server with excellent results, here are the numbers for the last 30 days. The mail server had:
 2.357.038 connections attempts
 1.841.425 mails have been greylisted[1]
   510.193 mails have been rejected
   238.869 of those thanks to clamav (~50%) 
   502.580 mails have been accepted for delivery
 1.564.130 mails have been delivered to users
As you can see, on 4 mails that are considered for delivery (after the greylisting), 1 is rejected thanks to clamav. That's 25% of the incoming mails that get simply dropped, and that has almost 0 false positives[2]. Another note about greylisting: a quick reader could think that 1.8M - (2.3M - 0.5M - 0.5M) ~= 0.5M of mails are greylisted for nothing. That's not the case at all, the 2.3M are connection attempts. And we have some SMTPs that we talk to a lot (as it's the mail server of the Alumni of my school, we talk to the school MX a lot e.g.) and some of the connections carry up to dozens of mail on a regular basis. Our estimation is that in a regular day, greylisted mails that are submitted again are around the thousands, meaning some dozens of thousands a month, which is ridiculously small. And among them, sadly, most are still spams. These good ratios exists because we use conditional greylisting: we greylist IPs that look suspcicious only. But I already talked about that, and it's not really the matter of this post.
Notes [1] using conditional greylisting: only greylist mails that come from IPs that are listed on RBLs [2] some companies using gif's in their employees signatures can trigger false positives, but it's fairly uncommon

29 June 2007

David Nusinow: Post Debconf Spewage

I've been back from Edinburgh for a few days, but this is the first real chance I've had to sit down and write a little bit about it. I'll preface this blog post by saying that my first Debconf was probably the best single week of my entire life. Yeah, it was that awesome.

I won't talk about all the stuff that happened, because that would just take too long. The most important thing was that I got to see a number of old friends again and spend more time with them in one run than ever before. That alone was really enormous for me. On top of that was the pleasure of finally meeting so many people in person. I met a few XSF members finally, including Julien Cristau, my partner in crime. There's no way I could possibly list everyone that I'm so thankful to have finally met. There was one very memorable evening in the night venue where it was largely the same crowd who's usually in #debian-devel when I'm on, and we all just couldn't stop cracking jokes and laughing (not to mention ITP'ing absurd programs). There was another night when Old World Cambridge collided with New World Cambridge, and much Pimm's was had by (almost) all. There was staying up until 5 in the morning and stumbling back to the hostel in the dawn to try and get some sleep before running back to the conference. The most delightful thing about all this was that so many people I already knew and loved were there, and everyone who I hadn't met in person before turned out to be even better in real life. It was like a week of the purest joy.

I also got the privilege of giving my talk and BoF to fairly full audiences, particularly the former. The BoF was on maintaining packages with git. I didn't expect more than 10 people to show, but more than 5 times that did express interest, so many that they moved it to the main lecture hall instead of the small discussion room that it was going to be in originally. I hadn't really planned out how to handle an audience like that, and while I managed to get other people in the audience talking (thanks in particular to Madduck, MadCoder, and keithp for adding so much to the discussion) I felt like I had to fumble through a lot of it. That's the nature of a BoF I guess. I also gave a talk on my plans for the XSF for the Lenny release. I'll talk about that stuff in future blog posts (some of which are overdue) but I will say that it was surprisingly well attended given that it was scheduled for 9:45 am after one of the usual nights of drinking and hacking until dawn.

I have to echo others and give a big thank you to the organizers. You guys did a great job, and persevered in the face of adversity (read: cowgate) and really made a great conference out of it. I learned a lot, laughed even more, and drank even more than that and I can't wait to do it again.

31 May 2007

Pierre Habouzit: User git repositories on alioth \o/

Thanks to a completely trivial patch on how git-daemon was used on alioth (namely adding a --user-path=public_git in the command line) it's now possible to have per user git repositories on You now have mirrors of my own git repositories, especially apt-listchanges on git:// That rocks. Thanks a lot to Rapha l Herzog that kindly made the change. Notes

26 March 2007

Pierre Habouzit: I now feel I've achieved something ...

The so called code is ugly (at least I would have beated my student to write such crap[1]). And to paraphrase Linus: I'm a disgusting pig, and proud of it !!!
   $ ./madmutt -f test.mbox
   MCore.pwd()    = /home/madcoder/dev/madmutt    = /bin/zsh
   -> setting to /madmutt/is/on/lua/crack gives:    = /madmutt/is/on/lua/crack
   MCore.version  = devel
   MTransport.sendmail   = /usr/sbin/sendmail -eom -oi
   -> exiting
edit: Some have wondered: I'm just extatic because I'm slowly replacing the good old muttrc with lua, and that my script that generates the lua bindings for me just works as expected. (Yes I'll obviously write some kind of legacy-thing importer at some point, but I'm really not anywhere near that point yet, even if I use madmutt daily, it's not even alpha quality: it basically works for me).
Notes [1] yeah in another life I teached OCaml...

25 February 2007

Yves-Alexis Perez: FOSDEM

I'm now just back from FOSDEM in Brussels. Well I was back few hours ago, but now I've eaten, I've send the signed keys from the KSP, pictures are on their waythere, it's time to post.

First, I'd like to really thanks Wouter for the Hosting near Brussels, Madcoder for the trips, and everyone in FOSDEM organization. From my point of view, it was flawless. We had wifi when they promise it, and it works great during all the weekend, we had food and beer at good prices, people were kind etc. Really really thank you.

It was my first "international" meeting, one month after my first "national" meeting at Solutions Linux. First time I met so much FOSS developers, and especially Debian ones. Lot of people I didn't know, lot of people I still don't know, but which I was glad to hear of, to see talks...

I was especially interested by sunday talks, netconf from madduck, and Debian Internals by Enrico, which were really nice (and netconf seems promising).

It was really short, and exhausting, but it made me want to go to Edimburgh for Debconf7, but I really don't know if I'll be able to do this. (nor if I would want to leave for a week 'alone' ...)

In the end, it was a quite improvised week-end, but a really nice one.

30 January 2007

Yves-Alexis Perez: Solutions Linux, day 1

Today I was at Solutions Linux, with the Debian France team. We weren't presenting something special, only showing the Debian Installer in babelbox, some Etch/Sid desktops (mostly Xfce, currently).

Lot of people came to see Etch, and asked about the release. There were lots of questions about Xfce too (as the two pcs we had there, besides the babelbox, were running it, my laptop using 4.4 and MadCoder's one with the default Etch configuration). Lots of visibility for Xfce and Debian, yeah.

You can see photos there.

17 October 2006

Pierre Habouzit: vim mode for git commits

That's threefold: Now you will have a quite simple syntax colorization for the commit log, and the killer feature is that when you git commit, a vertical split shows the diff while you are commenting it :) I suppose those modes will evolve, please enjoy. Edit: the script was a bit modified to work even when you're not in autochdir mode, thanks to SungHyun Nam from the git-list.

15 October 2006

Julien Danjou: Total recall (2006)

Directed by jd & adn Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller / Horror / Drama / Humor
Runtime: several weeks
Country: A lot
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor, QT, GTK and ncurses) Tagline: They stole their project, now they want it back. Plot Outline: In September 2006, a group of developpers from the Debian planet rise against the corruption leading the government.
User Comments: Great action, great suspense, great cultural satire, and a great mind-bender. Awards: Waiting for nomination. Quotes: Cast overview
Anthony Towns (aj), as the Debian Project Leader Denis Barbier (bouz), as The Recaller
Aurelien Jarno (aurel32), as one Seconder Clint Adams (schizo), as one Seconder
MJ Ray (mjr), as one Seconder Pierre Habouzit (madcoder), as one Seconder
Martin Schulze (joey), as one Seconder Marc Dequ nes (duck), as one Seconder

22 September 2006

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Some words about dunc-tank

Madcoder decided to quote some bits of an IRC conversation held on #debian-devel-fr and (of course, given his current frustration) he munges the meaning of my quote. I was explaining that for me dunc-tank was definitely not perfect but that it was a first step in a global direction that I’d like to explore. I explained my long term project with dunc-tank in a french blog entry and I also explained it to Bruce Byfield who interviewed me as a member of dunc-tank. My long term project always involved that decision-making of what to fund would be shared between the donors and all Debian developers. I sincerly hope to avoid many of the current criticism with this infrastructure but I can’t be sure. In the mean time, the current experiment is not run because it’s perfect and ready for generalization but because we want to see if it’s possible to get enough funding, and if it’s actually worth to invest more time in developing something more acceptable to everybody. (And also because we would really love to have etch release in december) This is my opinion: I’m not speaking for dunc-tank although I have the feeling that others members of the board are there for similar reasons. Update: following sam’s bad interpretation I fixed my wording to say “…decision-making of what to fund would be shared…”.

31 July 2006

Pierre Habouzit: Python transition

You thought that buglist was soon over ? sadly for you, I've tracked (using the Contents.gz of the archive) all the packages that seemed to have private python modules. I've found many that were even not compliant with the previous python policy (and that shiped public extensions btw), and a big lot that need update. I'm way to tired to launch the big mass bug now, because I've worked more than 2 hours straight on that, looking at almost a hundred of packages list files in the eyes, to know if there was a tiiiiiiny python module hidden in there. Still expect it soon Sadly, it does not looks so good: my first list was 265 packages long, I suppose there is a whole bunch of false-positives, but I fear there will remain in the 200 bugs. Though, this is the final step. If you do maintain a package that depends upon python, please help ! Migrating your package to the new policy is often easy if you use debhelper/cdbs/ and other high-level packaging tools.

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel: 30 Jul 2006

Hello Planet Debian! Goodbye University Vacations!:-)

Thanks to Luk Claes, new translate-docformat was uploaded to fix Policy 7.6 Violation. madcoder has a list of affected packages. During the weekend I work on my packages, I'm waiting for my sponsor to get them uploaded to the archive closing the "adoption process" and fixing a few bugs and lintian warnings. There are some news from the DDTP and no news from the CVS pserver for non-DDs (and unfortunately, in this case: no news, bad news). I also sent a mail do debian-l10n-portuguese about the future of our list, we need to change a few points, create and update documentation, change our coordinators in some areas (they are MIA for quite a while now) and structure the team to be ready for future changes and also to work focused to get as much translations as possible in "etch".

That's it... end of my University Vacation. Back to classes, busy schedule for the semester, I hope to manage everything in a very good way, so I can keep up-to-date with my Debian work.

Thanks to Cl ment Stenac (zorglub), my nice AM, this diary now appears in Planet Debian. Two old posts already appeared, but this is the first post that I made being aware that it will appear in Planet. :-) Thanks to Cl ment and Paul Wise.

28 July 2006

Julien Danjou: Debian Developers, you all suck

As I speak, there's now MORE THAN 300 BUGS IN ETCH. You all Debian Developer suck hard. A very good job was done by french developers and some others guys last month to reduce this number under 300 before the 15th of June. Now we should be under 200 (yes, two hundred) in 3 days. That seems totally impossible, and the french team (or maybe I should say the A team) is quite on holidays. Unfortunately it seems that MadCoder was right. Anyway, I'd like to thank people like Steinar who tries to make continuous effort to squash down RC bugs. These sort of guys really help.

27 June 2006

Pierre Habouzit: pbuilder custom configurations

I've noticed many times that people don't really use pbuilder with all the power and flexibility it allows. A lot of people don't want to mess up with the configuration files or write their own hooks, whereas it's quite simple, and powerful. Here are the dotfiles I use with my pbuilder install: The features those files provides are: There is nothing very new here, but it's a complete setup that some recent/lazy pbuilder users may find useful (it should not need any big modification to be used on anyone's computer). Also note that the linked files are the one I really use, and that it's meant to evolve with time.

23 June 2006

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: The Python transition can continue

Since the initial announce of the transition to the new Python policy, there has been some grumblings due to some unexpected last minute changes. I spent a copious amount of time discussing with all parties involved (Matthias Klose and Josselin Mouette mainly), rewrote dh_python 2 times to accomodate everybody’s needs (those who use the XS-Python-Version field, those who won’t) while still preserving backwards compatibility and went as far as NMUing debhelper to unblock the situation (Joey didn’t want to take an active role in the dh_python update). But this is now over and things have settled down. All the infrastructure is now in sid, the interfaces have been defined and won’t change anymore. It’s now really time to continue the transition. Update your python related packages by following the instructions here. Please help by providing patches and NMUing all the packages that have not yet been updated. Join #debian-python on OFTC if you have any questions. Thanks to everyone who gave a hand to update the infrastructure required for this new policy: Matthias, Josselin, Marc Dequ nes for the CDBS class, Joe Wreschnig for the update of the policy, Steve Langasek and Andreas Barth for their advice as release managers.

